Influence of the extraction of channel alluvium on the state of the young river landscape in the upstream stretches of the Prut and Siret rivers
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The problem of the negative influence of river channel alluvium extraction on the condition of rivers, namely on their downcutting, lowering of the channel position is known from the 70-80s of the XX century. In this regard, a number of powerful scientific studies were funded and performed, which revealed the patterns of deformation of riverbeds, the peculiarities of the functioning of the “flow-riverbed” system under the influence of riverbed quarries. Significant negative consequences, in particular on the rivers of Precarpathian, led to the ban on quarries in the late 80's. Some of the work was carried out within the floodplains. However, at the turn of the millennium, a new stage of channel alluvial extraction begins, which is characterized by a diffuse, local impact on riverbeds with a gradual increase in alluvial extraction. Currently, the work is carried out under the slogan " riverbed regulation". This only exacerbates the problem of rivers downcutting. Unfortunately, for decades no effective system of accounting for alluvium extraction has been created. Much of the work is not authorized, either inconsistent with the projects. An effective system for monitoring the condition of riverbeds, floodplains, adjacent territories, alluvial environment, groundwater, and ecosystems has not been created. All this significantly complicates the task of analysing the processes and consequences of the impact of riverbed alluvium extraction on the young river landscape.