Evaluation of underground pollution and soils by geophysical and geochemical methods near the Novaci town, Giurgiu County, Mihăilesti area - Romania

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Ovidiu Eugen AVRAM
Constantina FILIPCIUC


In the studied area, the electrometric method highlighted, through the positive anomalies near the surface, the delimitation of the area contaminated with illegal waste. After processing of the resistivity sections obtained at Mihailesti, the following emerged:

1. In the measurements carried out, an alternation of areas with high resistivities (up to 2000 ohm meters) is observed, followed by a conductive horizon that descends suddenly between 50 and 70 meters on the geoelectrical section, punctually representing an area later filled with resistive material (waste) on the first profile and a filling with a thickness of up to 7 m on the other profile.

2. From a geochemical point of view, the lack of significant pollution with metals and chemical-non-metallic parameters at the surface water level in the the location can be correlated with the incipient degree of degradation of waste, improperly stored on the land surface.

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